Baby Massage

Among our 5 fundamental senses - sight, hearing, touch, smell, & taste - touch is the most developed from birth."

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Infant massage has numerous benefits, both emotional and physical. When ever your baby experiences an emotional change, their muscles react and tense up. Baby massage helps to relax the muscle that is linked to the emotion and therefore help relieve some of the trauma and anxiety which is tied up with birth and the world the baby has just entered.

We will teach you a process of stroking the muscles of your baby using a variety of massage techniques and depending on what your baby needs at each session. It can include legs, feet, stomach, chest, arms, hands, face and back. We teach you to massage your baby as it enhances bonding and gives you that precious time together and can be started from birth.

1st Session

45mins | $70.00

Additional Sessions

20-30mins | $45.00


* Your 1st sessions includes a comprehensive consultation | Additional sessions can be flexible and tailored to meet your baby’s needs at the time

Many health benefits of Baby Massage include:

  • encourages bonding through eye-to-eye contact, smiling, soothing vocal sounds, loving touch, caressing and mutual interaction.

  • can enhance oxygen & nutrient flow to cells & improve breathing patterns & lung health (respiration)

  • can enhance the release of hormones, including growth to assist with weight gain and spark neurons in the brain to grow & branch out to improve mental processing/skills (cognition)

  • helping your baby relax & release tensions

  • decreasing irritability & excessive crying

  • helping to reduce colic, gas and intestinal difficulties

  • promoting social, emotional & cognitive development

  • great benefits promoting healthy sleep patterns

Baby Massage has many benefits for parents & caregivers:

  • helps to increase confidence for new parents and/or caregivers

  • provides emotional and quality one on one interaction

  • encourages parents or caregivers to relax with baby, to unwind, relax and learn to listen to baby in a calm atmosphere

  • can promote a better understanding of your baby’s cues, helping to enhance communication & emotional connection

How does Baby Massage touch help with development?

Baby massage can help & support development in 5 key areas as below:

  • communication skills - promotes developing speech, eye gaze, and listening skills

  • motor skills - improving muscle tone, co-ordination and increasing body awareness

  • social skills - encouraging your baby to engage with parents, family, friends or caregivers in a positive & safe way

  • self-help skills - stimulating oral motor musculature awareness, lip closure and relaxation of tension needed for swallowing

  • cognition - enhancing overall awareness of self and body boundaries, cause & effect and assisting to increase their attention span. 

If you are concerned at any stage or your baby has underlying medical conditions, please speak with your Dr to obtain medical clearance prior to massaging your baby.

Please reach out for a chat if you have any questions. I am also a trained Birth & Post-Natal Doula so drop me a line about combining mum and baby massage packages that can be tailored specifically for you if you need additional help or support along the way as a new mumma or pappa x

Drop us a line also about our mobile in-home massage service direct to your home.